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5 Wild Ideas To Tell Kids About Santa Claus

The Magical Origins of Santa Claus

Santa Claus is a huge deal to kids during the Christmas season. And as parents, you have the opportunity to go a bit more nontraditional in explaining Santa. Nowadays, kids have tons of technology and they are super smart. Therefore, telling them the traditional story of how Santa comes down the chimney to each girl and boy throughout the world may not be as believable as it was twenty years ago.

What Tell Kids About Santa Claus

With this being said, here are some wild ideas that you can utilize to tell your kids to make their idea of Santa Claus that much more real!

1. GPS systems are outfitted with the reindeer and his sleigh. After all, everyone has GPS now right? So, why shouldn’t Santa? Santa will use the GPS to make sure he is taking the shortest route and hitting every house that he needs to hit. After installing the GPS system, Santa was able to shave off hours of your Christmas Eve flight.

2. Santa’s sleigh can transform into a different vehicle if needed. After all, ever tried to land a sleigh on sand? This is a huge hit for kids that love Transformers. Santa’s sleigh can transform into an all-terrain vehicle if needed, complete with an engine. When this happens, the reindeer like to take a break and eat some grass or the carrots that kids have left out for them.

3. Now that almost every child out there has an Elf on the Shelf, it has made it much easier for Santa to keep track of all the good little girls and boys. The elves report back on any issues. And when Santa Claus arrives on Christmas Eve, they hop into action to help him unload and get to his next destination.

4. The reason that Santa is able to go throughout the world on one night is due to the time changes throughout the globe. It also helps that his reindeer can run at the speed of light, and if he switches to his ATV he still has that power.

5. The way that Santa is able to carry that many gifts is because he has help. Years ago, his bag was magical that would allow the gifts to appear, but it still took a few minutes. Now, thanks to technology, his elves are flying drones for drop-offs when he needs them. It has enabled the sleigh to go faster since there is not as much weight being carried.

Use your imagination and think back to when you were a child about all those questions that you may have had when it comes to Santa Claus. For your kids, go ahead and make up stories that will answer these questions and you will find that the kids will love it. They may love it so much that they continue this tradition with younger siblings or when they have their own children. Santa Claus is all about fun and embracing the Christmas spirit, and these stories can make this even more fun!